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Website Terms of Use and Cookie Policy

Dear Members and Visitors,


Please read this "Website Terms of Use and Cookie Policy" carefully before using our site. By starting to use the site and the services provided on the site and/or by becoming a member of the site, users accept that they have read, understood and are bound by these terms of use and privacy policy. If there are items that you do not accept among the terms of use, you should immediately stop using the site. Our customers who use the shopping site and shop are deemed to have accepted the following terms:


The web pages on our site and all pages linked to it ('site') Yukari Dudullu Mh. Necip Fazil Blv. Keyap Sitesi F1 Blok No:44/95 Ümraniye / Istanbul Lampader Tasarım Atölyesi Aydınlatma San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. (“Lampader” or “Company”) and is operated by it. You ('User', 'Member' or 'Visitor') are subject to the following conditions while using all services offered on the site, by using and continuing to use the service on the site; You agree that you have the right, authority and legal capacity to sign a contract in accordance with the laws to which you are bound and that you are over the age of 18, that you have read and understood this contract and that you are bound by the terms written in the contract.


Cookie Policy


Various types of cookies are used on our website at These are cookies such as session cookies, persistent cookies, essential cookies, functionality cookies, analytics cookies, commercial cookies and third party cookies.


Cookies help the website to work properly and improve, to personalize and improve the user experience, to visit the websites without logging in and/or to send commercial-social notifications to the website (even if the internet browser is closed, depending on the situation), and to website users-visitors in general. These are small pieces of data placed on computers and mobile devices in order to provide general or customized information, advertisements and promotions both on the relevant site and on other sites (including social media-networks and online advertising networks).


Cookies are kept on computers-devices for a suitable period of time, provided that the legal maximum period, if any, is not exceeded.


Visitors using our site are deemed to have accepted the above-mentioned application, as well as the processing of the relevant cookies in the personal data legislation and other parts of this information text for the purposes and scope-conditions stipulated for your various information (including transfer-sharing and use to third parties in this framework).

Lampader is also owned by Google, Inc. It uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze how users use the website and/or mobile site with statistical information/reports. For more information about the use of Google Analytics (including opt-out options), visit:


Visitors can remove the cookies and/or stop the aforementioned notifications at any time by editing the settings of the program and/or operating system and/or internet browser on their devices (In this case, it should be known that our Site/related device/program may not work as desired and/or not be aware of the contents of the notifications).


You can use the possibility of allowing and rejecting cookies using the following methods:


Google Chrome: You can allow or block cookies from the "cookies" tab by clicking the "lock sign" in the address section of your browser.


Internet Explorer: You can manage cookies in the form of "allow" or "do not allow" by clicking the security tab in the "Tools" section at the top right of your browser.


Mozilla Firefox: Click the "open menu" tab in the upper right corner of your browser. You can manage cookies by clicking the "Options" image and using the "Privacy and Security" button.


Opera: You can manage cookies from the "cookies" section by selecting "Advanced" in the "Preferences" section of your browser.


Safari : You can manage all your cookies from the "Privacy and Security" section by selecting the "safari" tab from the "Settings" section of your phone.


Website Terms of Use


This contract imposes the rights and obligations of the parties on the site that is the subject of the contract, and when the parties accept this contract, they declare that they will fulfill the aforementioned rights and obligations completely, accurately, on time, and within the terms requested in this contract.



Lampader always reserves the right to make changes on prices and offered products and services.

Lampader accepts and undertakes that the member will benefit from the contracted services, excluding technical failures.

The user agrees in advance that he will not reverse engineer the use of the site or take any other action to find or obtain the source code of them, otherwise he will be responsible for the damages that may arise before the third parties, and that legal and penal action will be taken against.

The user shall not produce content that is contrary to morality and morality, unlawful, injures the rights of third parties, misleading, offensive, obscene, pornographic, injures personal rights, violates copyrights, encourages illegal activities, in his activities, in any part of the site or in his communications. agrees not to share. Otherwise, he is fully responsible for the damage and in this case, the 'Site' officials may suspend or terminate such accounts, and reserve the right to initiate legal proceedings. For this reason, it reserves the right to share information requests from judicial authorities regarding activity or user accounts.

The relations of the members of the site with each other or with third parties are under their own responsibility.

Each User can only have one membership account, the same person cannot create more than one membership.

Members agree and undertake that they will comply with these Terms of Use and all other rules published on the Website.

Members will fill in the information requested during membership on the Website completely.

Members agree and undertake that they will not make false or misleading statements regarding their identity and information provided while creating their membership account, including using a pseudonym.

Members cannot give their user names and passwords determined by them to other persons or organizations. The right of use of the members belongs only to them, cannot be used and / or transferred to others. Otherwise, the Company reserves the right to indemnify arising from such use. The Company may suspend or cancel the memberships of the members, which it detects in this way, without any explanation. In the event that other members incur losses due to the actions of the members in violation of this article, the violating member will be liable for this damage and the Company will not be liable for compensation or any other liability in any way.

Users declare that there may be links to other websites and/or portals, files or content that are not under the control of the Company through the Website, and that this link does not constitute a declaration or guarantee of any kind for the purpose of supporting the website or its operator, or for the website or the information it contains. , accepts and declares that the Company has no responsibility for the portals, websites, files and content, services or products accessed through such links or their content.

The Company assumes no responsibility for whether the software of the Web Site is free from all kinds of errors and whether there is any virus on the Web Site. If there is any damage to the software and/or hardware elements used by the Users due to any software on this Website, the Company cannot be held liable in this regard.

Entering this website, the site or the information and other data on the site, programs, etc. Lampader is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may arise due to breach of contract, tortious act, or other reasons due to use. Lampader, as a result of breach of contract, tort, negligence or other reasons; does not accept any responsibility for interruption of the transaction, error, negligence, interruption.

Lampader, as a result of breach of contract, tort, negligence or other reasons; does not accept any responsibility for interruption of the transaction, error, negligence, interruption, deletion, loss, delay of the transaction or communication, computer virus, communication error, theft, destruction or unauthorized entry, modification or use of the records.

Visitors are responsible for the decisions they take within the framework of promotions and advertisements, as well as all kinds of suggestions, and all kinds of actions and practices and results they take accordingly.

Since we cannot know the legal/de facto capacity of any Visitor to our Site, the responsibility for the use, information and processing of children and other minors belongs to their legal representatives, and they can use their rights regarding their personal data (and also communications, depending on the situation) through their legal representatives.

In case the visitors purchase a product, the order pre-information form that will be seen by the Visitor during the transaction - the terms of the distance sales contract will be valid.


Our Company SMS/short message, instant notification, automatic call for credit card and membership/customer information, transactions, applications for promotion, advertisement, communication, promotion, sales and marketing purposes regarding all kinds of products and services, again in accordance with the law, with our visitors. Social, commercial and other electronic communications can be made via computer, telephone, e-mail/mail, fax, all kinds of notifications (if your device is open), bluetooth, beacon-all kinds of public-private wireless networks and other electronic communication tools. Commercial electronic messages may be sent to visitors.



Intellectual Property Rights

All proprietary or unregistered intellectual property rights such as title, business name, trademark, patent, logo, design, information and method in this Site belong to the site operator and owner company or the specified person and are under the protection of national and international law. Visiting this Site or using the services on this Site does not grant any right to such intellectual property rights.

Lampader, the general appearance and design of this website and all information, pictures, Lampader brand, domain name, logo, icon, demonstrative, technical data presented in written, electronic, graphic or machine-readable form, computer software. , is the owner or licensee of all materials (“Materials”) and related intellectual and industrial property rights, including the applied sales system, business method and business model, and are under legal protection. any Material on the Website; It cannot be changed, copied, reproduced, translated into another language, republished, uploaded to another computer, posted, transmitted, presented or distributed, including code and software, without prior permission and without reference. The whole or part of the website cannot be used on another website without permission. On the contrary, actions require legal and criminal responsibility. All other rights of Lampader not expressly stated here are reserved.

Secret information

Lampader will not disclose personal information transmitted by users through the site to third parties. This personal information; It contains all kinds of other information to identify the User such as person name-surname, address, telephone number, mobile phone, e-mail address, and will be referred to as "Confidential Information" for short.

The user can only use promotions, advertisements, campaigns, promotions, announcements, etc. It accepts and declares that Lampader consents to share its communication, portfolio status and demographic information with its subsidiaries or group companies to which it is affiliated, limited to its use within the scope of marketing activities. This personal information can be used to determine the customer profile within the company, to offer promotions and campaigns suitable for the customer profile, and to carry out statistical studies.

Confidential Information can only be disclosed to official authorities if this information is duly requested by official authorities and when disclosure to official authorities is obligatory in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation.

No Warranty

This contract clause will be valid to the maximum extent permitted by applicable legislation. The services offered by Lampader are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis and with respect to the services or application (including any information contained therein), express or implied, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. there is no warranty of any kind, statutory or otherwise.


Registration and Security

The user must provide accurate, complete and up-to-date registration information. Otherwise, this Agreement will be deemed to have been violated and the account may be closed without informing the User.


The user is responsible for the password and account security on the site and third-party sites. Otherwise, Lampader cannot be held responsible for data loss and security breaches or damage to hardware and devices.

Force Majeure

not under the control of the parties; Natural disasters, fire, explosions, civil wars, wars, uprisings, public movements, declaration of mobilization, strikes, lockouts and epidemics, infrastructure and internet failures, power cuts (collectively referred to as "Force Majeure" below) arising from the contract. If the obligations become unfulfillable by the parties, the parties are not responsible. During this period, the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from this Agreement are suspended.


Integrity of the Agreement and Applicability

If one of the terms of this contract becomes partially or completely invalid, the rest of the contract will continue to be valid.


Changes to the Contract

Lampader can change the services offered on the site and the terms of this contract, partially or completely, at any time. Changes will be effective from the date of publication on the site. It is the User's responsibility to follow the changes. The user is deemed to have accepted these changes by continuing to benefit from the services offered.



All notices to be sent to the parties related to this Agreement, Lampader's Yukarı Dudullu Mh. Necip Fazil Blv. Keyap Site F1 Blok No: 44/95 Ümraniye / Istanbul / Turkey address and the e-mail address specified by the user in the membership form. The user agrees that the address he/she specified while signing up is a valid notification address, that he/she will notify the other party in writing within 5 days in case of changes, otherwise the notifications to this address will be deemed valid.


Evidence Convention

In all kinds of disputes that may arise between the parties for the transactions related to this contract, the books, records and documents of the Parties, computer records and fax records will be accepted as evidence in accordance with the Law of Civil Procedure No. 6100, and the user agrees that he will not object to these records.


Dispute Resolution

Istanbul Courthouse Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve any disputes arising from the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement.


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